During this lesson, we were gathering ideas as to what we were going to do our clip on..
We began by discussing the topic and any ideas that came to mind, we then put them to paper with a breif mind map, i contributed well with ideas and was the one that came up with the final 'hostage' idea, in which was then discussed in more detail with everyone. From this we decided upon what sort of actions and diologue would go into our clip. this resulted in us putting ideas such as the hostage being kicked once the person keeping him there enters the room and the idea that they are to be tied up and look like they are a realistic hostage situation, with the idea that they might begin to feel around them to try and get some sort of of sense as to where it is they are, and finally the possibility that the hostage is made to begin a video, which is commonly seen by the public when someone is in this situation.
I then created a storyboard to show all our ideas for our clip and how it was going to be presented, I did this at home.
we then had to think of aspects such as the location, the sort of shots and lighting we would use was all discussed along with every other aspect that would contribute towards our clip includign the props that could be used. after thinking through with all these things, in which everyone contributored, we then came up with the idea of using one of the store cuboards in college and it was quite cramped, only one door and easily accessible, i thought of the idea of possibly using a black sack/bag to put over the hostages head, with some string to tie their arms together, and James also bought in som fake blood, all of these were used to try and make it all seem a lot more realistic. We went for dark lighting so that we could use a sort of cctv style footage within our clip.
When it came to Diologue we came to the decision to limit it a bit and use special effects and the banging around from what we get in the filming to build most of the suspense. However knowing that we must include more we decided that when Dougie walked in the room he would shout "get up" after kicking james in the stomach whilst lying on the floor - suggesting that he had already been previously beaten. James would then groan. Once James had had a feel around (which is when most of the sound would be noticed), Dougie then re-enters the room, throws him against the wall, puts a camera and not to his face and shouts "say this", and finally James looks at the camera and says "im being held hostage"We decided who was then to do what, and came to the decision that me and Stephanie would contribute mostly towards filming where as Dougie and James would contribute more towards acting.