Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Feedback From First Draft

As a class we all watched all groups first drafts, and gave eachother both positive and negative feedback, this is so that each group would know what it was that they needed to do in order to improve their opening sequence.
After watching our first draft in particular, this was some of the feedback, in which we were given;
Because our clip was not the full length of 2 minutes, it was suggested that we were to make it longer, in order to fill that time space out. This could be done by separating our names out into more/spearate credits
Using day for night when eidting our footage as a lot of it was quite late, or just filming at a darker time of day.
Ensuring that all the shots were steady, as some were seen to be slightly shaky still.
Adding sound, inorder to build suspense and tension and to help set a haunted atmosphere, in which will get across the genre of the clip to our audience a lot more.
All of these our group agreed with and knew that these were defintely a part of the room for improvement. And we plan on doing all of this, as well as and after collecting more footage from our new location.

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