Wednesday 6 April 2011

Editing 3
Once finishing all the filming that was needed Lizzie and Kristina uploaded the footage and looked at it all just so that they were able to verify that it would be useful and able to be included into our opening sequence. Whilst they were doing so i took the time to find a sound that was similar to the diegetic sound that we had liked, but that had to be turned off so that the natural sound did not clash with the hauntng music that we had included. I found the sound of the birds, but in order to use it it meant that i had to make an account, in which i did. It then had to be downloaded, this raised a problem as the school computers would not make it accessible to download onto them, this meant going onto my teachers computer and downloading it and then putting it onto our T Drive, so that we could then import it into our opening sequence.
We then manged to import all of the clips of the Story being told into our opening sequence, all exactly how we wanted it and where we wanted each one.
With not long left before the deadline of our final edit, we made a list of everything that we needed to do and gave ourself the next day in order to do so. This did not consist of a lot of things, it included, using th fast colour corrector on the latest clips that had been uploaded in order to make sure that the background was not so bright, however we felt that it was important to keep it natural. We also had to add the sound that i had put onto our T drive at the start, and delete the music in the places where we would be talking.
The next day we then went ahead and got on with all the things that we needed to do and wanted to get it done as soon as possible as some of us still had our evaluation drafts to finish, this meant using any free time that we had. However not everything went to plan as the adobe program was hardly working at all on the school computers. This caused a lot of problems, we tried numerous computers just to ensure that it wasnt the computer that we were using, howvere it just kept on not uploading properly meaning that there was nothing we could do on it. This left us with hours of waiting, however this was took advantage of as we got on with our evaluations. Because we were not the only goup having this problem an IT technician came over to try and help, and another hour and a half later managed to get the software uploaded onto our computer, which was slightly slow, but still staying after college time meant we manged to get it all done. However although we got it all finished, our evalutations included, exporting it and getting it onto youtube did not exactly go to plan either, which was another problem with the school network so it seemed also meaning that we were unable to get it onto our blogs in time, therefore we made sure that it would still get marked and went ahead and did it in the next lesson.

Filming 4
After yet another time of finding that our opening sequence  is stil not as long as we would have liked, we used time within our lesson to do what was needed, we got ourselves a camera and tripod and found the location within george spencer shool in order to do some more outside shots, this consisted of close ups of Kristina and Lizzie turning around quickly almost as though they had heard something. It was important for us to do close ups as Lizzie had not come in the same clothes as what she filmed in, and this would be too obvious if it were to be noticed throughout our opening sequence. We then enjoyed the effect of close ups as it had an effect of a sense of mystery. We then took this and included it in our inside shots, which was based in George Spencer College, these shots included eyes quikly moving, after editing we decided that the best shot of them walking through the gates was the one that included Louise, therefore we thought that we would use louise for the close up shots as well so that it meant we could still use the shots that we were fond of.
We became stuck, we could not think of any more ideas of different sots that we could include as we had already used such a range. We stopped whilst filming and had a discussion, we discovered that none of us believed that even with more footage to be uploaded we doubted that our opening sequence would become long enough to fill 2 minutes. The idea of having someone telling the story and using the 'ghost hunt' itself as a flashback was introduced, and we all liked it as it was an idea that would use a lot of the time.
Therefore Kristina and Myself went into a free room within college and attempted to get all of the shots that we would need, including both of us talking, myself being someone who wanted to go on a ghost hunt and Kristina being someone who was sharing her experience. Howevere when returning to our lesson we uploaded the footage and came to the conclusion that it was all too boring, it was just the same mid shot with both of us in, so we took the initiative and got Lizzie to do the filming so that we were able to use different angels, this meant that we managed to get all the shots we needed to achieve this idea.

Editing 2
Once getting even more footage, we then used our next media lesson to take advantage of everything that we needed to do, this meant that we decided upon Kristina uploading all the footage so that she was able to get the experience and knowledge of doing so. And me and lizzie looked at anything we could edit in the mean time, up until we could introduce the new footage once it had been uploaded. After we were able to use all the footage we first began by deciding upon which were good enough to use, we did this by watching all of them beforehand. We then included the clips into the places which suited them best within our opening sequence, then cut off parts which had a negative effect when playing them, in roder to make sure that it all ran fluently, this generally meant either cutting the beginning or end of most clips and even possibly sometimes both. This is because our aim is to ensure that out opening sequence consists of a lot of short and fast shots. We then used the fast colour corrector in all places where we thought it was needed still in order to make it look all that darker and ensure that there is no extreme range of lightness. After then watching and listening to the clips with it nearly done, we were still not entirely happy with it, this was because it was too long and even with the sound introduced it mean that any good parts of the diegetic that we wanted were overshadowed by the sound effect that we had introduced.

Filming 3
Again once taking all of our feedback into consideration, we came to the conclusing, that we could definitely do with a lot more good footage that we could use in order to make our opening sequence longer, as it was previously way too short. Therefore we discussed when we were all free to o the filming, however this was then a problem occured that we couldnt all do it at once. Therefore we used the time out of our media lesson in order to do the filming.
We headed straight for Attenborough Church where we discovered that the door was locked again, but this didnt matter so much as we knew that we were mainly wanting more and better outside shots in which we could use. We began by going over any shots that we found werent good enough before, such as the shot at the beginning of the opening sequence involving the grave and the upwards panning shot of the church itself. And also the shot of them walking through the gates, however a problem occred here, as previously there had been Lizzie, Louise and Kristina in the shot, where as Louise couldnt make it to the filming this time, therefore we had to make sure that we were to use the appropriate shots, so it didnt look like anyone had gone missing.
We then thought up some new shots that could be added to our opening sequence, such as Kristina and Lizzie walking towards the doors of the Church, turning around, looking at eachother, holding hands, and then about to step in. An over the shoulder shot of Kristina and Lizzie with the church in between them. And also, them walking up the pathway surrounded by the graves.
All these new shots, involved, close ups, over the shoulder, mid shots and long shots, this was to help show a range of different shots in our opening sequence to go along with the panning and etablishing shots we had previously got.
Thistime round of filming proved to be very useful as wee got more shots that we could use in order to make our opening sequence longer lik suggested and to then go ahead and edit them accordingly.

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